Solutions for Individuals


We help individuals by providing one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of their wealth. Here are a few key ways we help:

  • Retirement:

    • Identifying your retirement needs,

    • Analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income,

    • Reviewing estimated shortfalls, and

    • Identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance.


  • College Savings:

    • Accurately estimating the amount of money you'll need,

    • Analyzing your assets,

    • Reviewing estimated shortfalls, and

    • Developing an optimal savings plan.


  • Investments:

    • Identifying the steps needed to maximize your investment returns, and

    • Defining the steps needed to help minimize your risk while building increased predictability of your investment returns.


  • Estate Planning:

    • Helping maximizing the value of your estate by saving tax dollars, professional fees, and court costs.

    • Minimizing the costs of probate, creditors, lawyers, and estate taxes, which can negatively impact the value of your estate.

    • Providing a road map for passing your estate on to your heirs.


  • Emergency Preparedness:

    • Assisting you in protecting your family in case of you become disabled by ensuring you have enough money in your emergency fund and analyzing your life, disability, health, home, and auto insurance coverage.

    • Depending on your preference, we can also review your Will and various powers of attorney that are designed to take care of your affairs in the event you are incapacitated and can't manage them yourself.